You'll find tons of expansions available, many of which are on sale now. The Sims 4 Expansion DealsBy this point, The Sims 4 has expanded beyond the bounds of a traditional game and become a platform of its own. The Sims 4 Bundles are 52% Off Alternately, you can save 52% by picking up the core game bundled with one of the expansions for $23.99 each (rather than the list price of $49.99). If ever there was a time to get into The Sims to live vicariously through your digital creations, it's now. You can even have them go to places like work, the gym, or bars to socialize with other Sims, which sounds wild with all that's going on in the real world. You can hand-craft their house and fill it with furnishings of your choice. You can create Sims and pick their character traits as well as their goals and aspirations.

Even without the expansions, this is a huge game you can play for as many hours as you want.